Kamala Harris Tells Young Asians to 'Kick That F***ing Door Down,' Same Thing She Told CADOJ Agents to Do

AP Photo/Matt Kelley

It appears that today I have to change Vice President Kamala Harris’ nickname from “Black Hillary” to “Asian Hillary.” As long as I don’t have to refer to her as “Momala,” I suppose this is acceptable.


During a conversation at the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Legislative Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., the vice president attempted to inspire the audience and even used some profanity to do so.

During the conversation, Harris shared some details about her upbringing and her mother’s participation in the fight for civil rights. She also discussed the pain of breaking barriers and overcoming obstacles. “When you walk in those rooms being the only one that looks like you, the only one with your background, you walk in those rooms chin up shoulders back…you walk in those rooms knowing we are all in that room with you, applauding you on, and expecting certain things from you, including that you will not be silent in those rooms,” she said.

Later during her remarks, she noted that “sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open,” but that “sometimes they won’t.”

“Then, you need to kick that f****** door down.”

Of course, Harris knows quite a bit about knocking doors down, at least from the secondhand accounts of police officers who busted through people’s doors to arrest them for offenses like consuming a plant, possessing firearms, and even being an anti-abortion activist.


In fact, while she was California’s Attorney General, Harris kept law enforcement quite busy snatching folks out of their homes for ridiculous reasons. The marijuana issue, in particular, plagued her during the 2020 campaign. Her opponent Tulsi Gabbard expertly used Harris’ history of aggressive tactics against marijuana users during the Democratic presidential primary debates, essentially ending her campaign.

In 2015, Harris’ Department of Justice stole 541 guns from Albert Sheakalee, a 59-year-old Clovis resident. The reason? He was deemed a prohibited firearms possessor. Apparently, he underwent mental health treatment in 2014, which means the state considered him ineligible to keep and bear arms despite having a clean criminal record. After a two-year battle, the court ordered California to return his firearms to members of his family.

Sheakalee went through mental health treatment in 2014, which, unknown to him, landed him in the DOJ’s Armed Prohibited Persons System (APPS) database. This– as touted in a press release at the time by then-state Attorney General Kamala Harris– barred him from firearms ownership and triggered a 12-hour raid on his home by Bureau of Firearms Special Agents which ended in his arrest for possessing illegal firearms.

Sheakalee, who had a clean criminal record, owned a retirement home and was the retired budget director of Fresno Community Hospital. He had maintained a federal firearms license for over two decades for buying, selling, and collecting firearms which was still listed as being valid at the time of the raid. Seized by California authorities were 209 handguns, 88 shotguns, 234 rifles, 181 standard capacity magazines, 10 high capacity magazines, 100,521 rounds of various ammunition, and 10 firearms registered with the DOJ as “assault weapons” including a .50 caliber rifle.


Advocating against abortion was also an offense that could have Harris’ officers kick down doors, at least in the case of David Daleiden, a pro-life activist known for taking undercover videos targeting Planned Parenthood. In April 2016, the authorities showed up at his home and stole his equipment.

Investigators with the California Department of Justice on Tuesday raided the home of David Daleiden, the anti-abortion activist behind a series of undercover videos targeting Planned Parenthood, the activist said.

Authorities seized a laptop and multiple hard drives from his Orange County apartment, Daleiden said in an email. The equipment contained all of the video Daleiden had filmed as part of his 30-month project, “including some very damning footage that has yet to be released to the public,” he said.

A spokeswoman for California Attorney General Kamala Harris (D) said she could not comment on an ongoing investigation. But the raid confirms that California is among the states looking into possible criminal activity on the part of Daleiden and his organization, the Center for Medical Progress, which have been the center of controversy since releasing videos purporting to show that Planned Parenthood illegally sells fetal tissue for a profit.

In March 2017, Harris’ office issued an arrest warrant for Daleiden, charging him with 15 felony counts for covertly recording 14 Planned Parenthood workers.


Of course, Harris, like many of the tyrants who run our local, state, and federal governments, couldn’t be bothered to dirty her high heels by doing the door kicking herself. Nevertheless, these people have shown on numerous occasions that they are more than willing to use their powerful positions to unfairly target people who are harming no one just to make themselves look effective. 


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